Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Saw a girl with one of these umbrellas today on campus. wow. It was ridiculously funny.

Next, I just saw the new Sean Paul video. Why is this guy still around? I can't stand him. He can't dance, he can't sing, he can't even talk. Who does he think he is? If I picked up the newspaper tomorrow, and on the front page it read, "Sean Paul disappears!" I think I would smile. I'm not saying I want him dead, I just want him to do everyone a favor and stop trying to make music. I hate you Sean Paul.

Oh. It's offical. You Got Served at 2:55... today! Be there.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated. Here's what's been going on. I've been sick for about a week and a half and it has sucked. I had never realized that the human body could create such colossal amounts of mucus. Now there's a good word. Colossal. So good, that it deserves a picture of Colossus:

yeah! Colossus rules!!

Anyways, I'm feelin better now. One more thing before I go. For some reason, the other day, 2 girls went out of their way to hold the door for me. Whaatttt?? It wasn't like I was right behind them and they held the door for like half a second. nonono. I was definitely out of door holding range. They could've just let the door slam behind them, and I wouldn't have thought anything of it. But they didn't. Did I feel awkward/unmanly/jerkish? Of course not. If a girl wants to hold the door for me, then go ahead. In fact, I enjoyed it very much. I think more girls should be like those girls. I don't know why they did it, but keep it up girls!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot!!! Derek and I are definitely seeing You Got Served this week. DEFINITELY. If you would like to, you are more than welcome to come along. I will, without a doubt, let all of you know how much you missed out on.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

This weekend was crazy. We went down to the Genitempo ranch in South Texas. It was kinda far, and I was the lucky person who got to drive. I ended up driving over 700 miles this weekend... geez, that's a lot. Anyways, it was a very enjoyable and relaxing trip. Boz, Matt, and I went down to Mexico for a day to enjoy the Mexican culture since we were so close to the border. We went to this market type place where they were selling all kinds of crazy crap. Which explains the wrestling mask I bought. That wrestling mask rules. Matt got his from a previous trip to Mexico, and I just had to get one. Mines better. After we got back from Mexico, Gregorino Genitempo cooked up some delicious steak. Then, we just kinda hung around the fire pit all night. It's really cool being out on the ranch, because its extremely quiet except for the coyotes howling at the moon, and you can see all the stars at night. All in all, the trip was awesome and I had a great time.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

This guy sucks. Well, actually.. he doesn't bother me too much. It's the people who have these cell phone headset things and abuse them. I can understand using them while driving for safety purposes, but other than that they are just ridiculous. People who walk around with these things attached to their ears are the crappiest people in the world. Alright Mr. Popular, are you really gonna get that many phone calls?? Come on. You're not. I've seen people with these things at the grocery store, around town, and just sitting outside. What the hell? Use your hands!! Also, it's extremely annoying when their stupid little wire is out of sight, so you have no idea that they have a cell phone attached to their ear. Then, it seems as though they start talking out of nowhere. It confuses me, and makes me want to punch these people in the face. All people that use these headset things (besides in the car) suck..... except this guy. This guy frickin rules:


Monday, February 09, 2004

Remember how there used to be 2 ads at the top??? Now there's none! haha! The brain champs* behind blogspot took em away!! Hooray!!! I'll blog about something later in the week, when there's more time.

*go to Jordan's website if you do not understand.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Stupidest idea of the week goes to: Matt Genitempo. Matt decided to start brushing his teeth in the shower. Why?? I don't know why. He's insane. That's why. He thinks it makes sense and that you can actually kill two birds with one stone or something. Which can not be true and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I just think that if I was brushing my teeth in the shower, I'd be concentrating on brushing my teeth and not concentrating on showering. I know he's going to try and back up this stupid idea in the comments. I don't care what you say Matt, this idea sucks.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you..............................
BIZARRO JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRESSED AS A PIRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 02, 2004

So it's February now. Hooorayyy!! You know what that means??? It's Black history month!! Now which month was white history month again? Oh wait... there isn't one. I'm not racist or anything, I just don't understand. A whole month?? That's a long time. Enough about that. On to more important topics. Like... heavy breathers. There's this girl in my Spanish class that is a definite heavy breather. She could have some sort of nasal problem or something... I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that I could hear her across the room. It was really distracting me, and I couldn't focus on my quiz. I'm not sure if she is aware of this problem or not. My guess is no. For all I know, I could be an even heavier breather and if that's so, I apologize to all. Not really sure where I'm going with this, besides the fact that it needs to stop. One last thing!! Name that animal!!!! Post your guess in the comments section!!! The winner gets a really special surprise!!!