So I was brushing my teeth and I looked down at the outlet directly to the left of my sink. I notice something that I've never noticed before.

"Test Monthly" What?!? First of all, who the hell can read that? Then, who the hell is going to test this shit monthly? Monthly?? I don't think I've ever tested this outlet and I've lived here for over a year. I wonder if people actually test this crap monthly?
Like, "Hey Stan, wanna go get drunk and pick up chicks tonight?"
"Shiiit mannn, I'd love to, but tonight's my monthly outlet check."
"Awwww, I know how that is."
Seriously, screw you outlet makers.
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I hate nickels. They really need to do something about these things. I hate them. Why? They're frickin huge. Almost as big as a quarter. This is insane. They are only worth 5 cents and they're almost as big as the quarter. That's stupid. Dimes are super tiny and they're worth ten cents! Pennies just plain suck. I think that we need to re-think this. That's all I have to say about that. My two cents if you will. I apologize for that last sentence.

I can't wait for the new Bear vs Shark cd to get here. It's gonna kick ass.
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