My car about 2 weeks ago.
It sucks, but it should be fixed in about a week. Until then, I'll be in Waco. So give me a call and give me a ride.
Family Guy. The best show ever is back. Sundays at 8:00 I am busy. You should be too. It kicks ass.
Something I realized the other day:
I tend to assume that all dogs are male and all cats are female. I think everyone does this. To see the opposite sex is weird. Especially cats. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen a male cat. When was the last time you saw a cat with a penis? Maybe I'm an idiot, but I would be shocked to see a cat with a penis.
I added a few sections to the right side panel. So check that crap out. I may never update it, but we'll see.
This summer I have decided to run at least 4 times a week. My goal is 6, but 4 is more realistic. I'm not sure how the fact that I drink every night is going to factor into this sorry attempt to be healthy. We'll see.
Does the fact that I make minimum wage bother me? Not really. I do shit at work. Hell, I'm at work right now. $5.15 an hour to listen to my ipod(yes, I bought an ipod), surf the internet, blog about meaningless shit, answer the phone once or twice a day, and take the badass brand new Tahoe that Baylor bought for some crazy reason to get the mail every other day? Sounds pretty damn good to me.
About the ipod. I never thought I'd buy one. In fact the commercials piss me off more than anything on tv right now. The main reason I bought it is because my parents told me that I had to buy something for my birthday. I couldn't think of anything else so I got an ipod. It's ok. Buy one if you have money to waste. It's really not that amazing. Just convenient. Oh yeah, and trendy as balls.
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