Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I've been listening to the new Reggie and the Full Effect a lot recently and it is excellent. Go buy it.

Also, I signed up to take a course at MCC(Waco) for the first Summer session. What course you might ask? It's the equivalent of the 2nd required religion here at Baylor University. That's right. I go to the largest Baptist university in the entire world, and here I am taking one of the two required religion classes at another school. Screw you Baylor. Screw you and your religion. If you wanted me to take religion at Baylor, you shouldn't have allowed it transfer over. This excites me. Summer away from home is great. I'm taking only one class, and I'll be working... well, not too hard.

Ok. Something I've been thinking about:
Say you're cold. Do you tell someone to turn the A/C up or down? Up could mean you want the temperature to go up and you are too warm. Or it could mean that you want the A/C to be more powerful. I never know what to say. The end. I guess I'll get back to work now. As you can see, I work pretty hard.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Shaking hands. When did this become so routine? I'll tell ya when. College. I find this very interesting. Before college, guys never really shook hands much. In high school, guys just didn't really touch each other a lot. It was usually either a high five or it was "dont touch me, I'm not a fag." And rarely, you would have the handshake. I realize that it's important in the business world and shit, but nowadays it's just an everyday activity. It's almost as if when you see some dude that you haven't seen in a while you're pretty much obligated to do the handshake. And if you don't it's like, "Fuck that guy, he didn't shake my hand." But it's different with friends that you see every day. I have no idea where the hell I'm going with this. It's just an observation I guess. Holy shit, I think I've done a similar post like this a long time ago. Even with that same picture. If this is true, the blog may be over. I may have nothing else to talk about and I may just have started repeating myself. That would be terrible. Oh well, I don't care. Back on topic here: I could go into the whole hugging girls that are friends, but that's just a science that I will never understand. Miss Julie Janak and I have had many run-ins with this in the past week and it has been excellent. I think way too much. That's my problem.

Now, I finally got the new Circa Survive cd the other day. It kicks ass. Check these guys out.

Oh, and I got an amazing t-shirt made at VikingFest. It is seriously badass. I guess I'll post a picture of it:


Friday, April 15, 2005

I just watched the new Weezer video "Beverly hills" off of their new cd Make Believe. Here's what I thought: It was shot at the Playboy mansion. What Weezer is doing at the Playboy mansion, I have no idea. The song sucks ass. It's ridiculously bad, and it really sucks that Weezer will never live up to the first two albums they put out. If the rest of the cd is like this, I just may Make Believe that I never even heard about it.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The final design. The order is in for 36 t-shirts. They will be available sometime next week for the low, low price of just $5. The party is Saturday, April 9th. Be there. That is all for now.