Today was an interesting day, so let me tell ya how it went:
After class, I eat lunch and take a nap. I get up around 2:30 and realize that I'll be doing schoolwork for the rest of the day and night. I wipe my tears and head over to the library to start my studyathon. Around 6:00 I decide that I deserve some Wendy's for all my hard work. At the Wendy's drive thru, the lady taking my order won't even let me speak. She was trying to make fast food super insanely fast food. It went a little something like this:
Lady = (italics), me = regular
Hi, can I take your order?"
"Yeah, can I get aaaa #1" "
Biggie size?"
".... Yeah, sure, and can" "
What kind of drink?"
"Hold on a sec.... ok, the burger. I want it plain, and" "
Ok, drink?"
"Wait... I want cheese too." "
"....... Dr. Pepper."
I'm not sure if you got exactly how that went down, but I don't care. I wanted to slap her silly. Surprisingly though, my order was right and just plain delicious.
As I'm finishing my meal, I get a call from my good friend Frank: "Hey man, can you come help us move our hot tub into a truck?" Now, why Frank called me, I have no idea. It must be the fact that he knows I can bench like 600 pounds. hell yeah. Anyways, I wasn't sure if I should go help, because I had an SI in 15 minutes that I had to attend. I decided not to be a selfish bastard for once and help out a friend. I know, it's crazy. I go help move the hot tub and I make it in time for my SI, and all is well. After the SI, it was back to the library. While studying, I decided to take a little nap in my chair. About 10 minutes later, I opened my eyes to two guys coming toward me. I notice that they are both wearing shirts with the kappa sig letters on it. They give me some cookies cause it's finals week or something like that, and I say, "Thanks." I thought it was really nice of them to wake me up and give me some cookies. Before they left, they asked me if there was anything that I'd like them to pray for me for. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I'm still caught off guard by this question, and I don't know what to say. Still confused about the cookies and still waking up, I say, "No thanks." And they left. I saw the cookies as a reward for helping out my friend with the hot tub. Something that's funny is the fact that every kappa sig I meet is different and thinks something different about me. Some kappa sigs are my close friends, some don't want me at their parties, some want to fight me, and some bake me cookies. The end.
p.s. In no way am I bashing any fraternity or trying to start something. I'm just telling a story. If you start a war in the comments, I will spit in your face and throw your computer out the window.