So I haven't updated in a long time. I don't care. What's been goin on in the life of Nick DeLuca? Let's see here... I've been busy with homework, we've been workin for Grande, Matt got arrested, I did some laundry. That's about it, just the usual crap.
You know what really freaks me out? People who walk or talk in their sleep. Talking: If you're talking in your sleep, and I'm in the same room as you, you're going to wake me up. And it's going to freak the crap out of me. I know it's kind of a common thing and all, but it's just weird. Whenever it happens, it seems like the person is possessed, and I don't want to be in the same room as them. Walking: What the hell?? How does this happen?! I've never experienced this before, and I hope that I never have to. I don't get how someone could walk around and do crap, all while not being aware of what they are doing. If I awoke to someone walking around talking in their sleep, I think I'd jump out the window.
Also, I got a new phone today, so hopefully it won't screw up anymore.
Wow, I'm really thinking about ending the blog.
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