So we've been watching a lot of Maury lately. I have come to the conclusion that "Maury" is the most entertaining show on television today. There is no other show that I'd rather watch more than "Maury." If you just go over to the official Maury website and look at the topics for this week, you may understand why this show rules.
Monday: "You're 8... the smoking, drinking & stealing stops today!" --- pretty much guaranteed some loud-mouth 8 year-olds and maury settin them straight.
Tuesday: "Extremely opposite... madly in love!" --- watched this one last night. Fat man and midget woman tell all, and trust me you don't want to know all.
Wednesday: "I'll prove your 14 year old son got me pregnant" --- what??!??! how?? this one's gonna be good.
That's enough. I think you get the point. Find out what time Maury is on in your town and watch. see ya.
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