More on that later, but first I have to say some crap. Today was a good day. Boz, Matt, and I went to Penland Cafeteria for lunch. This was the first time I had been there since they painted and changed it all around, but they were sure to keep the most important aspect of Penland Cafeteria, and that is... the employees. All through freshman year, at lunch, our main discussions would be about the employees. The 70's baseball player, the dude with the weird thing on his head, and most importantly Clyde the Blue Bell Ice Cream man. Most of the workers are still there, and it was nice seeing them all again. After that, Matt and I decided to go check out the bears. The stupid bears were just layin down in the corner. Matt yelled at them to wake up, but they didn't budge. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? It was nice seein those lazy pieces of crap again. Thennn, I went to the business school for class. Now. About that picture above. Never had I noticed this, until I changed my major to business. So, there are some elevators in the business school. Every day I bypass the elevators, and go straight for the stairs right next to the elevators. 9 times out of 10, I beat the elevator. Up or down, it doesn't matter cause it's slow as crap. Why do people take the elevator? Cause they are lazy pieces of crap, like the bears. Seriously, take the stairs. Would it kill ya to get some exercise? I could maybe understand taking the elevator to go up, but down???? NO! Take the stairs! If you have some kind of medical condition/injury that prevents you from walking up stairs, then that's ok. Other than that, 2 or even just one flight of stairs will not kill you.
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