Yeah, I know. It's been a few weeks... or months since a real post. Well, I came up with something that I've been meaning to put on here for a long time. If you own a personalized/vanity license plate you are probably an asshole. Now, I say "probably" because I have met a very small amount of people that have one and aren't too ridiculous. So I think it's safe to say about 99% of the people with vanity plates suck ass. The point when I realized this was when I was in California and saw this red Ferrari with this license plate:

No shit asshole. Your car goes fast.... and it's red. This guy can probably buy whatever he wants, but he still sucks. Am I jealous of his car? Maybe. But I think he should've gotten this one instead:

Another thing that I noticed in California... I already said that if you own a vanity license plate that you're probably an asshole. Well, it just so happens that there sure are a large quantity of vanity plates in California. You can come up with your own conclusion. Apparently the revenue from the plates in California goes to programs that protect the environment. That's it.