So I was shopping at the local HEB today, and I happened to notice a man. I didn't see him at first, I just heard him. I thought: what the hell is that annoying-ass noise? I look down and see that the man making the ridiculous noise was wearing spurs on his boots. He was clanking them together and making them spin just by turning his heels inward. This man is a jackass. Why? Well, he's wearing spurs. If you're going to wear spurs it must be as a joke or part of some sort of cowboy costume or something. Wearing spurs seriously is idiotic, especially if you are making annoying clanking sounds all day. I happened to see him on the way out of the HEB and saw him get into his truck. What do ya know? He has a Home Depot sticker with the words "My Toy Store" and a giant Nascar logo with some racer's number by it. He gets into his truck and lights up a cigarette in the truck with the windows up. In case you haven't noticed, I'm back in Waco.