Hampton Beach

New York

Summer school will be over tomorrow and I am very excited. Also, I'll possibly be seeing Spiderman 2 which makes the day even better. Not only will I have the rest of the summer without studying or class, but I will be going to New York, Boston, and Hampton Beach. Hampton Beach isn't really anything amazing, but it's still a quality beach... and I like seagulls. I'll be leaving on the 10th and coming back the 19th of July I believe. That's 9 days. 9 days away from Waco, Texas. I love being in Waco cause my friends are here and stuff, but seriously... Waco(the city) sucks. It's like poverty central. I wouldn't want to see Waco without Baylor. It'd be ridiculous. Well that's enough about Waco. Austin is a lot better because it's actually a city and I have friends that live there too... but they suck. Especially Jay Karnik.
Song that just kicked my ass on the way home from the library: "More than a feeling" -Boston. hell yeah.