So I added a new feature to my blog. You may have noticed it when you opened this amazing little blog. Every time you come to my page, you get a cool little effect.
Listening to
Bear Vs Shark
The Faint
Wet From Birth
The Faint's pretty good.
My Chemical Romance
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
I don't care what you say, this shit is frickin catchy.
Hurricane labels
The life and times of Benjamin Franklin
No shit, this is proof that I do nothing at work. I'm reading. A real book.
Previous Posts
- SOoooooooooooooooo, it's been awhile. Let me just ...
- And the awkward situation award for today goes t...
- So I had a run-in with a cop yesterday. I was t...
- Today it was rainy and I enjoyed it. I'm not one...
- So yesterday was a crazy day. I go to my economics...
- Go to This crazy little website.
- So I had a little adventure goin to the Taco Bell ...
- Tonight I was driving and I didn't really pay atte...
- So for the past couple of weeks I've been dealing ...
- I gotta give matt some credit for this one.... I h...
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