Thursday, December 11, 2003

SOoooooooooooooooo, it's been awhile. Let me just start off saying that there has been a lot goin on lately. Rachel and I are no longer together. If you would like to know more, you know where to find me. It has been a pretty rough time, and it's something that I've never really had to deal with before. I would like to say thank you to all my friends and family that were there for me this past week or so. A special thanks to Derek, because he has really been there for me if I needed to talk, hang out, or just do something, and I greatly appreciate all of the help that he has offered. Also, in case you didn't know, it's finals time and that means I gotta study.

Ok. Now. Let's talk about the weather. I have something to say about Texas Winters: They suck. It was hot earlier in the month. DECEMBER!!! HOT!!! Where I'm from, if you say those two words in the same sentence, you get shot. Also, I'm not really expecting some snow. Snow in Texas is a phenomenon. When it happens, people freak out. They stay home from work, and everyone is just happy and playing in the 2 inches of snow. In the North, people hate snow. It snows there, and people look out their window and say, "Crap!!! Snow!!! I gotta go to work in this crap!!!!" And they go to work. Done. No more weather talk.

One thing I was thinking about that would just make my life maybe... 1.02 times better is.. if oranges came pre-peeled. I seriously would eat oranges all day if they were just ready to eat. But no, you have to get that orange crap in your fingernails and get that sticky, misty juice stuff all over your hand. Don't get me wrong here, oranges are awesome and I eat them quite frequently. That's just my thoughts on how to improve oranges. Well, that's all for now kids.