Well crap, I think my mom was right. A few weeks ago, I told my mom that the cd player in my car was broken. Thinking that she'd say that we would get it fixed the next time that I was in town, I was shocked to hear her say that we should wait... about a month. She told me that waiting and just listening to the radio would be "good for me." I got pissed and thought my mom was being completely ridiculous. Welllll, here I am now about 2 weeks without a cd player.. and thinking that maybe she was right. Here's why: It really made me realize that I was stuck in a phase. Pretty much all I had been listening to for a really long time was hardcore, emo, and some metal. Obviously, they don't really play this kind of music on the radio, so I was basically forced to listen to other types of music. This is GOOD. It's just not good to stick to one type of music. So what do I listen to on the radio? I've kinda been all over the place. Oldies, rock, alternative, classic rock, rap, classical, country. I know. Now, if you just called me a fag, you're a fag. Open your eyes. There are many different types of music out there. Get your head out of your ass. I'll admit, I used to think that the "punk/hardcore/metal/emo" genre was the best and nothing could be better. Well, I do still think that it is my favorite genre, but I appreciate and enjoy a lot of other genres also. Come on, EVERYONE needs a little Van Halen, Beach Boys, Ludacris, or Tchaikovsky in their life. Taking a break from what you've grown accustomed to is a good thing. Try it. Everyone needs a break from the norm every once in a while. Doing different things makes life exciting and interesting. And also, sometimes... your mom is right.

On a side note, which may just void everything I just said, but I've been listening to the new Taking Back Sunday. How? Cause I rule. That's how. You want it? Too bad. I really like it. I don't think it's as good as Tell All Your Friends, but it's still really good. Yeah!
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