Today was a good day. So Baylor is having it's orientation for all the new freshmen next year. This means that there are hundreds of little kids and their parents walking around campus trying to figure out where to go. It's really fun to see all of the little fresh-outta high school, gotta act cool kids get embarrassed by their awkward and crazy parents. I think I've decided that it's gonna be really fun when I get old and eventually have a kid of my own. I'll embarrass them by saying weird things and acting like a moron in front of all of their friends. Yeah, that's gonna be fun. So anyways, I had just finished class for the day and I was walking toward the parking garage. Some father and son(obviously visiting) pull up to me in their Impala and the father asks me how to get to Robinson Tower. I take a second to figure it out in my head and start to tell him: "Alright, so you're gonna take a left up here at this stop sign, take a left at the next stop sign, take a left on to University Parks Dr. at the light, and follow that all the way to the other side of I-35 and it'll be on your right." He asked me a few questions just to get it straight and tells me "thanks." Feeling like I gave him good directions and feeling good for helping out, I smile and say goodbye. He drives up to the first stop sign and goes straight through it. I smile again.
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