I know this post is a little late and this happened a while back, but it is something I want to talk about. The Lakers. The Lakers suck. They are cocky bastards who thought they could win the championship with no problem at all. Well, they lost. Karl Malone and Gary Payton, you guys suck too. You abandoned your old teams and joined the Lakers, cause you thought that the Lakers were a guaranteed win. Well guess what crapheads? You lost. You deserve to lose and I'm glad you did. The Lakers had the potential to be the greatest team the nba has ever seen with kobe, shaq, gary, and karl. The combined skill of all these guys should have dominated any team. But they got too cocky and lost it all. So what do I say? I say screw you Lakers. Screw you Karl Malone, Gary Payton, and Kobe Bryant. But Shaq, you still kick ass in my book. With movies like Kazaam and Steel, how could you not like this man?
Screw you Karl.
i love you shaq.

Screw you Karl.

i love you shaq.
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