Summer classes have started and they suck. I'm taking Chemistry and the only reason I enjoy it is because it's in the science building. In other words, I'm not enjoying it. Except when I see people in lab coats. I don't know what it is, but people wearing lab coats just make me laugh. I really don't know why. Something that I seriously am afraid of is when people run. I'm not talking about the kind of running that you do as exercise, but when people are running in normal clothes and stuff. For some reason, if I see someone running I immediately think that they are running AWAY from something. Then I start wondering why they're running and what they're running from. So my chemistry class is right in the middle of the building with labs and stuff all around it. I saw two people running outside of my classroom and I got a little worried. Why are people running in the science building? Stop! No running in the science building! With all those chemicals and crap. I was just waiting for the whole building to explode. One last thing. I don't usually like skating videos, but this one is amazing. Watch it.
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