Ya know, I really do think some people are going to get pissed off at this, but I really don't give a crap. Napoleon Dynamite. Have I seen it? No. Have many of my friends? Yes. Now let me explain something to you and everyone out there. Are you quoting this movie non-stop? If you said no, I say, "thank you" to you. BUT, if you said yes, think about this: Do you remember a movie called Austin Powers? I hope you do cause I want you to remember how awesome it was when everyone was quoting that movie. Yes, it's that annoying. Please stop. Now, I know what you're saying, "But you haven't even seen the movie yet you asshole. You're just jealous that you don't get the jokes." Jealous? No. Asshole? Maybe. It's just annoying. That's all I'm saying. Who knows, maybe I'll see this movie someday and quote it for months after. Maybe it's like some sort of disease that you get when you see the movie. Now before you go and get pissed off, realize that I said nothing bad about the movie itself.

On to music. The cd that I have listened to the most this summer without a doubt has to be Bear Vs Shark's "Right now, you're in the best of hands. And if something isn't quite right, your doctor will know in a hurry." This cd is amazing and just keeps growing on me somehow. I must thank Matt Maa again for introducing me to another badass band. That's all for now kids.
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