My roommate's solution to the 2+ bags of trash that we had in our kitchen. I took out the trash last time, and I was waiting to see what he was gonna do. So while I was at class today he decided to put the 2+ bags of trash that we had into a larger bag. What? Why? The dumpster really isn't that far. Also, it's ridiculously close to the fridge. I could barely open the door. And now I wait... I wait to see how long it takes him to throw out the big bag. Or maybe he'll wait for 2 more little bags to pile up and put them in a gigantic black bag also. Who knows? This should be interesting. One thing is for sure though... I'm not taking that huge-ass bag out. It must weigh like 40 pounds and will probably break when he tries to carry it down the stairs. I'm slowly learning more and more about this guy. I pretty much met him about 4 weeks ago. I know, it's weird. He's cool though. In other news, I'm getting physical therapy for my knee cause I'm a big pussy. But it's really cool, and you're probably just jealous cause you don't get the little electronic muscle stimulator thing twice a week. I need to purchase one of these things and sit on my butt while it works my body out for me. Well, I gotta go fail my finance test. See ya.
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